Saturday, May 05, 2018 by Mike Adams
If Kanye West joined Alex Jones on InfoWars, it would be a significant healing event for race relations in America. While many “white” people voted for Obama in 2008 in the interests of racial unity, Obama only delivered hatred, division and heightened intolerance. But Kanye West could achieve what Obama only promised to deliver: Genuine healing through free thinking and genuine conversations about what we all have in common (rather than pushing differences to try to divide us).
In my latest Counterthink video, I expose the insidious agenda to shut down Kanye’s awakening and the effort by powerful white Democrats to “keep black people enslaved.” The controllers of our society don’t want racial healing; they want racial division, hatred and intolerance to flourish. That’s how they maintain control: Through division and hatred.
What the rest of us want — including Alex Jones — is universal human freedom and abundance, including freedom and abundance for people of all colors, races and backgrounds. The real bigotry today comes from the Left, where hatred and mental derangement have now become the mainstream movement of so-called “liberals.” That’s why they’re attacking Kanye West and threatening to kill him for daring to break out of the mental prison that ensnares most people.
Kanye is daring to think for himself, and he refuses to be ordered around like a slave by the intolerance, race-baiting Democrats and liberal elitists. No wonder Kanye’s awakening is ripping a hole in the Matrix and beginning to free the minds of millions who suddenly realize we’ve all been lied to all along.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alex Jones, bigotry, Counterthink, democrats, freedom, InfoWars, interview, intolerance, Kanye West, Leftists, liberals, Liberty, mental prison, progressives, race relations, racial healing, racism, slaves