News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Trump schools dishonest establishment media as he doubles down on initial claim that “both sides” share blame for Charlottesville violence
After specifically condemning the KKK, neo-Nazis and all white supremacist organizations on Monday, following death and violence at competing protests in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend, President Donald J. Trump pivoted to his initial response of blaming both the Alt-Right and the “Alt-Left” for what had transpired. That sent the disgustingly dishonest media and Washington […]
By JD Heyes
BREAKING: “Unite the Right” was actually STAGED by the Left?
If the tragic events in Charlottesville this past weekend and the near-immediate cries by the Left and the “mainstream” media within 24 hours to dismantle every enduring vestige of the Old South seem a little too perfectly timed to you, then pat yourself on the back: Your instincts serve you well. As it turns out, […]
By JD Heyes
Citing the scientific research of white men now blamed for “marginalization” of women and people of color, claim delusional left-wing academics
There is no question about it: The academic far-Left has lost their collective minds and is now actively trolling for things to be upset/angry/offended about, and this is especially true for many of today’s college and university campuses. As reported by Campus Reform, a pair of feminist professors who teach geography — yes, geography — […]
By JD Heyes
Intolerant feminist attacks “Doctor Who” British TV show for not being transgender or black enough
So-called “feminism” has long since stopped being about the promotion of equality for women. Far from its founding roots in the 1960s and early 1970s, when women most certainly did need a stronger, unified voice both politically and culturally, the movement today has been hijacked by far-Left caricatures pushing a Marxist agenda filled with hate […]
By JD Heyes
“TOLERANT” GENOCIDE: Today the insane Left is calling for college campuses with NO WHITE PEOPLE… tomorrow they will call for all Whites to be eliminated from society
There could be no better civic lesson than what is occurring today on some American college campuses as to why our founders established a representative republic rather than a pure democracy — mob rule, in other words. Students are being singled out either for additional benefits over and above what everyone else is getting, or they are being singled […]
By JD Heyes
Why this ends in war: There is no “common ground” when the Left has gone totally insane and rejected reality
The political divide between the Left and Right in America has steadily widened since the election of Barack Obama, who then did everything he could to deepen that divide through the pursuit of domestic policies aimed at tearing down traditional American values and upending cultural norms and mores. After eight years of Obama’s Left-wing, Marxist-revolutionary […]
By JD Heyes
Did Hillary Clinton exploit black prison labor while her husband ran Arkansas?
Throughout her political career Hillary Clinton, like her president husband, fancied herself a champion of minorities. Because they are Democrats, you see, no one cares more about minorities than they do. Heck, Bill was even nicknamed “the first black president” and was even honored as such by the Congressional Black Caucus in 2008 (an ‘honor’ […]
By JD Heyes
How Bernie Sanders turned leftists into KILLERS with hate-filled radicalization rhetoric
As much as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and others on the Marxist Left want to disavow themselves of James T. Hodgkinson, the would-be assassin of multiple Republican lawmakers — whose long history of GOP animosity is now well-documented — they cannot. The calculated hate-filled rhetoric against Republicans and President Donald J. Trump that has been […]
By JD Heyes
Former NYPD chief: “New normal” terror attacks in Europe are coming soon to a U.S. city near you — it’s time to arm yourself
If you’re like most Americans, you’ve been watching in horror as successive terrorist attacks carried out by Islamic extremists in Europe continue to kill and maim scores of innocent people. At first attackers in France, Britain and elsewhere used firearms and explosives to attack innocents, but in recent months Islamic-terrorists have changed tactics, likely because […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged liberal college students who waged genocidal “No Whites Day” event at Evergreen College are now crying and demanding the video be scrubbed from the ‘net
In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving a group of “misguided” students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington who demanded observance and compliance with “No Whites Day” while threatening professors, staff and other students who disagreed with the racist demonstration. The little ingrates were making […]
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