News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Flashback: The Left vowed to “make America ungovernable” after Trump’s historic election victory
Almost no one in the political intelligentsia, media or establishment elite in Washington, D.C., gave Donald J. Trump much of a chance for victory last November. Polls, Left-wing pundits and politicos were all projecting a Hillary Clinton washout. “Mainstream” media reporters no doubt had their leads written and ready to publish on election night, gloating […]
By JD Heyes
Four inconvenient FACTS the hysterical Left cannot accept
Left-wing ‘progressives’ seem to operate under a completely different set of “facts” than rational people, as evident by what they accept — and reject — as truth. That’s what makes discussion of political, cultural, and social issues impossible with liberals: Even when presented with conflicting information that can be substantiated and proven, they refuse to […]
By JD Heyes
Even White Supremacists often found to be of African ancestry… Can we stop the racial hatred already?
In a country as multi-culturally diverse as the United States, race, creed, color, ethnicity and national origin are not supposed to matter. We are all supposed to be equal — in the eyes of the law and throughout society — as our Constitution recognizes and our culture demands. So why are we allowing a small […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media now “normalizing” left-wing violence, absurdly comparing it to World War II soldiers storming the beaches of Normandy
When you, as a Left-wing political movement, attempt to “mainstream” your violence against those with whom you disagree by comparing your supporters to the soldiers, sailors and Marines who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, on D-Day during World War II, you’ve got an instant credibility problem. Granted, you’re going to have your supporters actually […]
By JD Heyes
Trump sets record straight, says “Alt-Left” ALSO responsible for violence at Charlottesville — media FREAKS
It wasn’t something the ever-apoplectic Left-wing establishment media wanted to hear because it defies their narrative that only right-wing, white conservatives who support the president are racist bigots. But Donald J. Trump set the record — the real record — straight last Tuesday during another combative news conference when he said that both the right […]
By JD Heyes
Witness at Charlottesville: Townsfolk upset at BOTH Left and Right groups, warns this will destroy country if it gets out of hand
A witness to events in Charlottesville, Va., says that much of what the country is being told about what took place there is being purposefully blown out of proportion, and that if too many Americans believe the hype it could eventually lead to the destruction of the country. Writing in The Daily Signal, editor Jarrett […]
By JD Heyes
Factions within the U.S. are attempting to normalize political violence and make the country ungovernable
As Monday evening approached, thousands of Alt-Left supporters and anti-free speech terrorists gathered in Phoenix to protest a political rally held by President Donald J. Trump in what is becoming a common reaction by his opponents. Before I go any further I want to clarify something: I’m a constitutionalist and fervently believe that every American […]
By JD Heyes
Radical Left now attempting to memory-hole America… calls for taking down statues of Washington, Jefferson and Founding Fathers
During his combative press conference with the disgustingly dishonest establishment media at Trump Tower on Tuesday, President Donald J. Trump doubled down on his earlier statements that demonstrations on the Left and Right were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. At one point in recognizing that there were “good people” […]
By JD Heyes
The violent Left has the support of pop culture freaks, political cowards and media elite … Why you need to prepare to defend yourself
In case you haven’t noticed, anyone speaking out against Left-wing violence in America is quickly shouted down and branded as a racist, Nazi bigot. Conservatives and Trump supporters have known this for months because they’ve been regularly targeted by Antifa thugs and members of BLM and the so-called “Occupy” movement anytime they show up to […]
By JD Heyes
FACT CHECK: “Nazi” stands for “national socialism” and Adolf Hitler was a radical Left-wing fascist, not a “far right” leader
In modern times, Democrats and their Marxist allies have portrayed Republicans and conservatives as Alt-Right racists and bigots, even though the Democratic Party was home to the KKK and other racist elements well into the 20th century. Period cartoons published about the time the KKK was formed — in the ashes of the South immediately […]
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