News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Left-wing mobs defacing and destroying cities were “digitized” by the Internet into tribal behavior that will end civil society
Without question, the Internet has become what the telegraph was in the 1800s and the telephone/radio/television was in the 1900s; it was that revolutionary a means of communication and entertainment. But also without a doubt, it has become a means of destroying civil societies including that of the United States. Writing at Real Clear Politics, […]
By JD Heyes
Black Lives Matter supporters are officially domestic terrorists: Group storms Target store in DC declaring “We will shut your business down!”
There can be no more doubt that the Black Lives Matter movement is little more than a Marxist-Communist revolutionary front bent on the destruction of America as founded. While examples of this behavior abound, members of the organization proved it again last week as they ‘stormed’ a Target retail outlet in Washington, D.C., and declared […]
By JD Heyes
“Black Lives Matter” leader makes clear objective is Left-wing DESTRUCTION of America if demands aren’t met: “We will burn down this system!”
If you still believe that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is just a peaceful attempt at bringing about some police and criminal justice reforms using the constitutional system bequeathed to us by our founders, get rid of that notion because it isn’t true. How do we know? Because a BLM leader himself has admitted as […]
By JD Heyes
NASCAR driver Bubba “Jussie” Wallace backs off, accepts FBI’s conclusion that “noose” found in team garage was NOT a hate crime
After being burned by one race-and-hate-crime hoax after another, tens of millions of Americans no longer accept such ‘horror stories’ at face value anymore. And after what happened this week with NASCAR’s No. 43 driver, Bubba Wallace, the sport’s only black Cup driver, it’s no wonder. On Sunday, reports claimed that a “noose” had been […]
By JD Heyes
Another Jussie Smollett? Alleged “noose” found in black NASCAR racer’s garage revealed as a HOAX
Tens of millions of Americans were outraged after “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett claimed that he was attacked and severely beaten by two “MAGA-hat-wearing” white people outside a Chicago Subway in the wee hours of the morning in February 2019. The actor said he was not only attacked, but called racial epithets and doused with a […]
By JD Heyes
Once again, Michael Moore proves the Left’s double standard when it comes to racism: Bashing whites okay, but not blacks or Hispanics
The far Left, which has hijacked the Democrat Party, continues to wage war against America by tearing away at our cohesive social fabric. One way they do this is by playing identity politics, the act of pitting one ethnic group against another or, more specifically, all ethnic groups against majority whites. That gargantuan blowhard and […]
By JD Heyes
White supremacy paranoia is a massive HOAX perpetrated by the toxic media that pushes hatred, bigotry and lawlessness
Though the Left has been seething with animosity over what it perceives as America’s ‘white-dominated’ society for years, in the lead-up to the 2020 election they have come out and made hating white people an official platform of the Democratic Party. And shame on the party’s officials and leaders for allowing it to happen. In […]
By JD Heyes
Flat out, the establishment media is LYING when they claim mass shootings are ALL carried out by young white males
If you’ve managed to stomach coverage by the mass media of the El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, shootings last weekend, one common theme you have likely heard is that nearly all mass shootings in the United States this year — more than 200 of them — have been committed by young white ‘domestic terrorists.’ It’s […]
By JD Heyes
El Paso shooter does NOT blame POTUS Trump, but rather Democrats AND Republicans for mass migration, environmental damage, and favoring corporations
A “manifesto” published online by the alleged shooter in El Paso specifically claims that his act was not inspired by POTUS Donald Trump’s ‘racist rhetoric’ or anything else related to him, but it does blame both political parties for “hypocrisy” regarding mass immigration and illegal immigration. On Saturday, police arrested Patrick Crusius, 21, of Allen, […]
By JD Heyes
Kamala Harris accused of keeping blacks jailed to provide “slave wage labor” to the state of California
Sen. Kamala Harris loves to talk about criminal justice reform like she means it, but when the rubber meets the road and she is challenged on her record of ‘reform’ while serving as California’s attorney general recently, what she says on a debate stage rings hollow. So hollow, in fact, that the only thing Harris […]
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